The basic idea behind customer centric marketing comes from the fact that only customers bring money into your business. Because of that, all marketing should focus on them.
This also goes for product development and content creation.
The concept of customer centric marketing is really simple but I’ve found that understanding the “why” makes it easier to remember to always focus on the customer.
Repeat Customers Often Source of Most Revenue
Customer centric marketing understands that as much as 80 percent of all purchases are made by the same customers. This means it’s a good idea to remarket to these customers via email lists or remarketing ads.
Customer Segmentation
Segmenting customers into different groups can help you make marketing decisions. You can segment your customers by where they first came across your product and also by their demographics. Using this information strategically can help increase repeat sales.
Individuals Over Groups
The individual is important when it comes to customer centric marketing. Thinking about the individual is key. You’ve heard and hopefully have already started to research your potential customers.
Using what is learned from research, we often create personas that represent the individual customers.
Increased Customer Satisfaction
It has been found that customers are more satisfied with their purchases when they made a decision to buy based off customer centric marketing messages. The messages aren’t hyped, so the customer feels as if they had enough information to make a good, sound choice.
Developing Long-Term Success
When a company believes customer satisfaction is important, it shows up in marketing and product development. Products are created to influence buying decisions. And marketing doesn’t involve trying to get potential customers to do something so she will then buy.
Values and Respects Customers
As we have already mentioned, customer centric marketing is based on the fact that the only way to make money is if a customer purchases their product or uses their services. This automatically places value on customers and leads to treating them with respect.
Keeps Promises
Naturally, companies who participate in customer centric marketing don’t make promises to their customers that they can’t keep. Just the opposite, they under promise and over deliver. Customers know that when you tell them something, you stand by it.
Oftentimes, customer centric companies seek to create communities that show how they value the customer above all else. They make sure their customers know without a doubt that they are important and come first.
When customers feel appreciated they end up being very loyal to the brand. It’s only when the brand fails to be customer centric that the customer moves on to the competition.
Please share 2 things: 1) something you already do that’s customer centric marketing and 2) something you will implement that is customer centric marketing.
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