Carla, like Christy from our prior post, also has worked for various employers over the last 20+ years. She has worked at small companies as well as Fortune 500 companies which is where she is now.
She has done significant research towards her goals of transitioning from employee to entrepreneur. She wants to create information products regarding health and wellness. It’s been her passion for years and she has become a part-time yoga instructor within the last 5 years.
And because she also loves to write, she started blogging when she became a yoga teacher to help connect with her students outside of the yoga studio.
Carla’s blog followers are basically her past and current students. She realizes that she needs to increase her tribe, so to speak, if she wants to be able to quit her day job one day.
She also knows that her current followers may not be the kind of folks who would purchase information products online.
Carla has used the risk register worksheet and has identified various risks. During her research she has come to realize that her original product ideas may not be what her market is looking to purchase online.
She connected with some women and conducted interviews. The women gave her specific changes that would make them buy. Carla, with her CPO hat on, has now incorporated those suggestions into her information products.
Now she feels she is going in the right direction.
But she still has a fear that she won’t get enough actual sales. Although we don’t like to think about it too much, creating the wrong product or creating a product that doesn’t sell is a valid risk. And it a risk that new business owners must take seriously and plan around.
Carla did more research and has decided to respond to this highly impactful risk by testing. She will create short eBooks and mini courses to test if she is giving her market what they are looking for. Taking this approach over creating full-fledged courses and eBooks will save her a ton of heartache in the long run.
To get more details and your copy of the risk register worksheet, click here. Please let me know if you have any specific questions about the product risk example.
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