Videos have become increasing more and more popular. I remember not liking to click on videos while using a computer. It was just too much for me. But now, I really enjoy them whether they are short and sweet or an in depth how to video.
We’re going to discuss ways to get started using videos for marketing your business. Just know there are more ways to use video marketing than we’re going to discuss. Hopefully this will help you decide how you can fit them into your marketing plan.
Landing Pages
Videos on landing pages have been shown to increase conversions by more than 80 percent. The video on a landing page should cover enough information to give your viewers the same information that would be on a written sales page. Use words on the screen and/or a talking head to get your point across.
If you send out a newsletter to your audience, you can include a video in it. This will encourage your audience to learn more and hopefully get excited about your products.
Social Media
Sharing quick, short, to-the-point videos on social media is a great way to get more engagement. There is still a lot of sharing of text and images so if you share videos you are likely to stand out…in a good way.
Difficult Concept
Video is a great way to explain hard to understand concepts to your audience. If you want to impress your audience, make an explainer video or a demonstration video, to show best what you want to teach your audience.
As you get more comfortable with videos, try using them to show your skills. You can record yourself doing something that you know how to do, speed it up, add some music, and your audience will be in awe. Online crafters are known for these so take a look on how some of them do it.
New Products
When you have a new product to announce, make a video all about it. Show how the product works and if you’re creative, use video to explain services you offer.
Behind The Scenes
Folks love seeing videos about a “day in the life” of the experts they like to watch. Don’t you? If you let your audience in behind the scenes of what you do, using video, they’ll likely feel closer to you. This is something that also helps build trust and we know trust is one of the key components for someone to buy from you.
There you have it. Seems pretty simple, doesn’t it? If you start by just trying one of these, I’m guessing you will see an increase in views and engagement. And it will also make you more experienced and comfortable with video marketing. Video marketing is a highly effective form of online marketing that just about any business can use. Go ahead, give it a try. For me, I really want to do a behind the scenes video.
So tell me: which one will you focus on first?
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