One of the types of content that you need to create is social media content. Social media content is any content that you will use to share on social media.
It might be a blurb that goes with a link to a video or blog post, or it might be an infographic or meme. Creating content for social media is an important part of every business’s marketing strategy.
A lot of folks forget to plan ahead when it comes to social media content. I think they believe it will just come to them. But this is a mistake.
Take a blog post for example. You should create a tweet, a Facebook post, a graphic for Instagram all that relates back to the blog post. And if you are also on other social networking sites, create content for those as well.
Make sure to include social media content on your editorial calendar. If you know that in August you’re going to share your new parenting online class, then you also plan for the corresponding social media content to use in that promotion. That way you will have both the class and social media content ready for your August launch.
Images are a form of content. So that means you will also create images for social media sharing. Images are more likely to be shared than text and therefore an important part of your social media. Using a variety of images as content, like infographics and memes, will also increase shares and engagement.
Create Often
Ideally you need social media content for every day of the week. And then share multiple times a day. That seems like a lot but it all comes from the basic message you want deliver to your audience. Take a look at an influencer’s posts and see how it’s done.
Share Again
We’ve mentioned that it’s important to share the content that you create. It’s also important to share it more than once. Vast majority of folks can’t check their entire social media stream. There’s just too much. So share the same content with various blurbs several times and it will increase your chance of getting seen.
Conduct A/B testing. A/B testing is also called split testing. For starters you want to see what times, headlines, and topics get more attention than others. As you collect this data, you’ll be able to use it to make future marketing decisions. And best practice is to continuously conduct A/B testing.
As you use the various social networking sites you notice that each has its own personality. And as you look at your audience on each, you also see that each audience is probably slightly different. Therefore, it’s suggested to create different content for each site. Please don’t let this overwhelm you. Use this approach when it’s comfortable for you.
Although I haven’t done it, you can use your content calendar to get help creating social media content. You can outsource infographic and meme creation to copywriters. They can also help you craft verbiage to use in your other content, not just social media content.
As you can imagine, creating content for social media will be a significant part of your overall content creation. Social media content is a great tool to help you communicate to your audience about your products and services.
Please share: Do you already have a social media content plan in place? If not, when will you have it drafted?
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